
Your donation will be used directly to help our rescue efforts, whether it be for vaccinations, medications, spaying and neutering, diagnosis and treatment for disease, repair of injuries or rehabilitation. Every dollar helps us place a healthy and happy golden in his/her forever home. Scroll down to see several ways you can donate.


Types of Donations

  • General Donation

    Donations directly help our rescue efforts, whether it be for routine medical care or medical/behavioral rehabilitation.

  • The Golden Hearts Club Monthly Giving Program

    The Golden Hearts Club Monthly Giving Program

    For as little as $5 a month, you can help ensure that every dog who comes to us gets the care they deserve.

  • Memorials

    Memorialize a beloved friend or pet with an NRGRR In Memory Of or In Honor Of donation. List your donation on our Memorial page.

  • Blarney's fund for special needs

    Blarney's Fund was created to help meet financial expenses that go beyond routine care.

  • International Donation

    Donations are used to cover the expenses of preparing international dogs for flight as well as transportation costs.

  • Recurring Donation

    Make recurring donations on a monthly, quarterly, or annual frequency.

  • Name a Foster

    Would you like to name a foster dog? All dogs entering NRGRR are given unique names. Help us create their new identity.

  • Golden Guardian

    Join an elite group of supporters who have committed to a legacy gift in NRGRR’s name.

Solicitation Statement

Financial information about NRGRR and a copy of our solicitation license are available on our About NRGRR page or from the State Solicitation Licensing Branch at 919-814-5400. The license is not an endorsement by the State.